XO-CORP Occupant Agreement Short Term Space Rental Space Rental from XO-CORP
Occupant’s name: _______________________________________________________ Occupant’s address: _____________________________________________________ Occupant’s Tel: _________________________________________________________ Date of rental: ________________________to ________________________________ Space rental: Type _________________________________ Fees _________________ (Space types and fees details at the end of this agreement) TOTAL: ___________ Payment metho: ___________________________ (If paying by check please make all checks payable to XO-Corp.) Credit Card informatio: (As shown on the card) Name on card: _________________________________ Type: ______________ Card no. _____________________________ Exp. date_____________ Billing address: _______________________________ _______________________________ City: ______________________ State: ______ Zip: _________ Notes: All fees must be paid 2 days in advance. All paid rental fees are non-refundable under any circumstances. A $10.00 processing fee will be added (in addition to the new agreement) to extend rental time. Rental does not include any tools, supplies, phone services or cleanup. Property must be bagged; boxes must be bundled neatly. Occupant agrees to business hours and a 24-hour notice to access stored property. If XO-CORP has to clean up, bundle or remove unwanted property, there will be a fee of $20.00 per hour with the minimum of 1 hour to start. If any tools or supplies borrowed from XO CORP and are not returned or are damaged, there will be a fee charged accordingly. If XO-CORP has to cleanup or repair any damage to the building caused by occupant, or occupant’s workers there will be a reasonable cost for it. XO-CORP is not responsible for any theft, loss, or damages to personal property or personal injuries of occupant, occupants’ workers, invitees or licensees. Occupant holds XO-CORP harmless of any claims or legal action from any incident occurring. Occupant is solely responsible for such incidents. By signing this you agree to all terms mentioned in this agreement
Signature: ______________________________ Date: ___________________